Motocross Training by Michael Das
Here you will find all information regarding the MX training courses of Michael Das.
With more than 35 years of national & international motocross experience, I share my passion to the beginner, to learn the basic techniques and thus be able to race in a safe / responsible way as well as the advanced riders who are able and willing to take the next step.
"Everything stands and falls with the basics, the technique and if you understand that game it becomes a lot easier"

MX Trainingdays
Several training days are organized throughout the year at home and abroad. These are accessible for all levels and ages, whereby we organize separate days for the smallest.

MX Trainingcamps
Training camps are organized during the various holiday periods, which also take place at home and abroad and are accessible for all levels and are often combined with holidays, resulting in an outing for the whole family ;-)

Physical training
Given the intensity of our sport, physical fitness is an important issue. That is why we provide weekly physical training sessions throughout the year, excluding the dates that coincide with the MX training days and camps.

Private training
Would you like to train 1 on 1, to take the first steps or willing to make the next extra step?
Contact us for training inquiries!

Small-Group training
Do you want to brush up on your skills as a team or group of friends in a smaller setting?
Contact us for training inquiries!!
Michael Das
A long life passion for motocross
Michael is a former 6x Dutch Champion, Dutch, European, and Supercross winner.
Already stopped as a proffesional rider at the age of 21 years to attend the family business, but the passion kept flowing and never stopped.
As a certified KNMV trainer he provides motocross training camps / indivivdual, physical training and reaches out to his students with other tips / tricks.